My porno project ● Demi Kaia

Παραγωγοί / Producers
Demi Kaia
Προηγούμενα / Previous
#22 My Porno Project-Truth or Dare
25 / 04 / 2012
My Porno Project’s recipe 1 bottle of finest gin Hentrick’s + 1 cucumber you may use the gin and the cucumber as you please… …excellent book by Guillame Apollinaire – Depauched Hospodar translated in Greek by Auguste Corteau.
#21 black OR white
18 / 04 / 2012
no need to hung yourself, although death by erotic asphyxiation is a reason to die for… My Porno Project is here for you, you, you, you, and you…. (and many many more….)
#20 My Porno Project – Easter Bunnies & Other Stories
11 / 04 / 2012
MPP is getting bigger and stronger…! Last night @ Beton7 Art Radio we’ve mubbled about Easter Bunnies …virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus …virginity and chastity …eggs …and Mary Magdalene All the above where under the selected music of Nicol Chorinopoulou
#19 My Porno Project – Pornographic Drawing
04 / 04 / 2012
This is me drawing… Anna’s perfect pussy …and Lola just before… photographed by Alex Kat …and talking about Anna’s Book: “Mommy, why mine is not like yours” (only in Greek – so hold your horses) and Georges Bataille‘s, Madame Edwarda, Ma Mere, Le Mort, listening to exquisite nuevo tango by Daniel Melingo & Gerardo Di Giusto …and thinking about how blur are the limits between pleasure and suffering, life and death
#18 My Porno Project – Pornographic Expressions
28 / 03 / 2012
…through literature – The Curious Sofa: A Pornographic Work by Ogdred Weary …or live web cams…and sex machines L’ infer… Pornographic Expressions is your entrance to Hell and I would love to be your tour director… Your will recognize me by the red cross carved on my lower back…