World Radio Day 2022

Πληροφορίες / Info
Date: 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2022
Date end: 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2022
Time: 17:00
Περιγραφή / Details
UNESCO celebrates World Radio Day 2022 this 13 February under the theme “Radio and Trust”.
Tο την Κυριακή 13 Φεβρουαρίου και ώρα 17.00 θα μεταδώσει το Seehorsestravelingmatesradioshow της Annegret F. του στα πλαίσια της συνεργασίας τους με αφορμή την παγκόσμια ημέρα ραδιοφώνου. Και αντίστοιχα το Radio Χ θα μεταδώσει στις 19.00 (Ελλάδας) το τζάζ μιούζικαλ του Γιώργου Αναματερού “A certainty blossomed in the heart of the enlightened tyrantess”. Stay tuned.
radio x – The city radio of Frankfurt am Main
commercial-free, independent, autonomous, fierce
24/7 on air since 1997. A radio station without editors in chief, without audience ratings, and most importantly, without commercials!
About 90 independent editorial teams have found their home at radio x. The spectrum of our musical programs ranges from shows specialized on all kinds of genres, over live music and DJ-sessions to experimental sound collages.
Moreover, radio x broadcasts local event tips and district-specific shows, educational programs on media with and for children, shows in different foreign languages and programs dealing with politics, culture, art, science, literature, cinema and theatre.
radio x is financed from membership fees, donations and public funding. All our editors and hosts are volunteers.
And still, radio x reaches over a million people in Frankfurt and the surrounding region, and even more listeners all around the globe through online streaming.
Seepferdefahrgaesteradioshow Saasfee Weltradiotag Spezial!
Frankfurt-based radio x welcomes each and every one of you to a very special World Radio Day edition of the Seehorsestravelingmatesradioshow (…try to figure out the badly translated wordplay! We dare you ;-)). Due to the highly improvised nature of the Program it will be hosted in the honeysweet language of German. Have fun finding a capable translator who will describe such high concept improvised content as sentient cars made entirely of Flesh and semi-dadaesque rants by host herrjoergritter. We dare you again 😉
This show is also brought to you by saasfee*, so hilarity is sure to ensue.
Just trust us, we promise to trust you back.
Have fun, World!
Beton7ArtRadio is a non-commercial radio. Their programme covers art and culture subjects while promoting contemporary creations. It features interviews, innovative thematic shows, musical programmes, live concerts and special tributes to outstanding figures from Greece and abroad. On Beton7ArtRadio you can listen to programmes on experimental, contemporary and classical music, audio works and debates on issues around culture and the role of art today. The producers span the entire spectrum of contemporary art—visual art, architecture, theatre, music, dance, literature, cinema and design.
The radio show: “A certainty blossomed in the heart of the Enlightened Tyrant-ess” | Jazz musical
Jazz critic Brunhilde Asanoupen presents the new heretic play of Georgios Anamateros, alias Anamateur: “A certainty blossomed in the heart of the Enlightened Tyrant-ess”. A Greek-Portuguese co-production. Strongly proposed for the admirors of Fats Waller and Billy Wilder. Strongly proposed for the haters of Schäuble too!
Personnel: Marta Hugon (Peace / voice), Anamateur (himself / p, voc), Priamos Morakis (Chorus / guitar), Eduardo Lala (Chorus / trombone), Manos Loutas (Chorus / double bass), Sera Bellos (Chorus / drums) and Thanos Daskalooulos (Messenger / tap dancing). Sound: Vassilis Avrantinis.
Recorded in “Athensmusic Studioworks” and the studio of “Beton7 Art Radio (2021).




Live Wreck

21:00 22:00

Beton7 Art Radio